Ten Rules to Get Better at the Office and Keep your Enthusiasm for Work

Finish what you do at all times

  • Do you have a lot to do?
  • Do you have too little time to implement them?
  • Clean up your office from all the papers except those related to the work you are doing now.
  • The view of an office misplaced with unanswered correspondence and reports and notes is enough to create confusion, tension, and anxiety.
  • It also creates the feeling that everything that needs to be done is not finished.
  • Let’s move into action: It’s done when it’s in your hands.
  • Do not let yourself be dismayed by a mountain of endless labor.

Ten rules to get better at your work. Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple.

Decide on yourself to what point a situation will get you

Perhaps you have heard the term “Limitation of Loss Mandate” used by those on the stock market. You set the “Loss Limitation Order” to a specific price. If your stock falls below it, then it is automatically sold. Use the “Loss Limitation Order” at every event of your life! Benjamin Franklin had said: “Much of the misery of mankind is caused by mistaken assessments made by people about the value of certain things.” How many times have you left anxiety or anxiety to keep you awake at night? How many times have you lost your peace of mind, and then you broke into your loved ones? How many times have you left unjust criticism of someone spoiling you all week? Decide on your own how much anxiety and upset every situation in your life is and give a “Limitation of Loss Order” to it. Do not waste more of your energy and experience on a situation like this. Let’s move on: Stop for a while and ask yourself:

  • How important is it to me that excites me?
  • When will I give a “Loss Limitation Order,” and will I stop feeling anxious?
  • Have I already paid – concerned – more than this situation deserves?

Ten rules to get better at your work. Assume A Virtue If You Have It Not

Create an excellent reputation for your neighbor and ask him to look worthy of this reputation

Shakespeare once said, “Assume a virtue, if you have it not.“. You may be useful to someone if assumptions and statements open that this person has the virtue you would like to develop. Make him a good reputation and call him to be worthy of this reputation. You will see that this person will make significant efforts to prove that you are right that you believe in him. If a person finds it hard to get the job done or is slow, or his career is unsatisfactory, you can dismiss him, threaten him, or degrade him. However, the only way you can fix the problem without creating a bitter reaction is to build an excellent reputation for this person and call him worthy of that good reputation. Let’s move into action: If this person produces work that is not satisfactory, sit down with him and tell him that in the past, you have received much praise for his work. Tell him that you consider him a suitable partner and that you appreciate the hard work he puts on every project he undertakes. Then tell him that the quality of his work has so far receded a little lately, and as he is an excellent and reliable person, you think he would like to know that. Then ask him what you can do to help him fix this problem. Building the reputation of the outstanding employee around his name, he will make sure to stand up to this reputation the next time he has to do a project.

Give more enthusiasm to your work.

  • “Mix judgment with ambition and season it with energy. It makes a splendid recipe for success.” – By Dale Carnegie

If you act as if you are more interested in your work, this little theatrical art will tend to make your interest accurate. It also tends to reduce fatigue, tension, and anxiety. Once, Abraham Lincoln said that “Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be. ” Happiness and enthusiasm are internal situations. They are not based solely on external events. So let’s move into action: Let’s start from today every day telling us, “Just for today, I will be happy.” We can do certain things for 12 hours, which would be impossible to continue doing for our whole life.Ten rules to get better at your work. Mix judgment with ambition and season it with energy. It makes a splendid recipe for success.

Praise even the slightest improvement.

People’s abilities fall under the weight of condemnation. On the contrary, they are blooming in an environment of encouragement. If you want to help, people change themselves, praise the minor improvement and praise any improvement. To acknowledge the good energies of people richly and to praise without gouges. If you and I inspire the people, we contact and help them realize how many hidden treasures they are hiding. We do a lot more than encourage them to change their attitude. We can contribute to their transformation. Recognizing or praising every improvement – we are talking about improving, not merely performing their work – we inspire people to realize their hidden potential! Let’s move on: Let’s use praise to inspire those with whom we communicate.

Ten rules to get better at your work. Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others.

Put more courage in your life.

Once Winston Churchill said, “Courage is the first of human qualities because it is the quality which guarantees all others”! Dale Carnegie guarantees that you will have more courage if you follow the following five guidelines:

  • Have courageous human behavior. It will make you a bit braver, causing you not to be terrified.
  • Stand for a while and think that some other people have faced great misfortunes and frustrations. What others did, is sure you can do it too.
  • The forces of life lift us up and take us down at an individual pace. If at this time you are low but do not lose your courage, know that you will be coming up soon, using the same forces that have lowered you.
  • Remember that you feel fainter and more pessimistic at night hours, despite hours of the day. This is because courage comes with the light of day.
  • Courage is the main feature of a great soul. Make sure that this feature appears on your face and in your life.
  • Let’s move on: Come on, let’s try. All our lives are testing things. The person who progresses is usually the one who dares to do difficult things. The boat that does not want to risk never leaves the coast.

Do not let your interlocutor be humiliated.

Few of us have the time to take into account the feelings of people. We want things to be done the way they like us, to find mistakes, to warn, to threaten, or to criticize our associates, even in front of other people, without thinking about how much the dignity of the people is injuring. Let’s spend a few minutes on thinking more closely about what we say or show a frank understanding of the attitude of our interlocutor. We can prevent the bitterness of the injured pride and self-esteem of our interlocutor. Even if we are absolutely right and the other entirely wrong, the only thing we succeed in harming the dignity is to reduce his self-esteem. Usually, a person already knows if he has made a grave mistake or is a non-productive person. Will he want to correct the wrong situation by insulting him, criticizing him, or threatening him? Let’s move on: What would you say if we spent a little more time taking our partner’s feelings into account and not letting him feel humiliated?


Ask questions instead of giving direct orders.

None of us likes to accept orders. The bitterness caused by an abrupt order often takes a long time – even if the order was given to correct a clear crooked situation. By asking questions instead of giving direct orders, we offer our interlocutor the opportunity to correct his mistakes in a natural way. By asking questions, we often activate the creativity of the people we ask. People are more likely to follow a mandate if they have taken part in the decision for the sake of which this order was issued. Example: You are supervising a project that has already been delayed. If you are ordering everyone to stay late at night in the office, they will remain as late as possible and probably do so with the buzzing. If you gather your people and ask them: “Kids, what can we do to speed up our work so that we are not back? “they are likely to do as they should, but now they will do so willingly. Let’s move into action: Let’s use the way people express themselves in the examples below instead of giving direct commands:

  • Is there anything we could do to deal with this matter differently?
  • Can one of us think of a different way of doing this work more effectively?
  • Is there a way of adjusting working hours or assigning projects to staff that could help?
  • Do you think this would bring an effect?
  • If we would call it that way, would it sound better?


Talk about your own mistakes first.

It is less challenging to hear recitals about your own mistakes if the man who criticizes you starts the “attack,” humbly admitting that he is making mistakes and is not sure. An excellent leader always follows this principle. Few phrases with which you “lower yourself” and praise your interlocutor bring brilliant results to your human relationships. Let’s move into action: A great way to apply this principle, whether to our child or colleague, is to tell him that we were once again in his place. Then we explain how we have fought these bad habits or how we corrected our mistakes.

Attract people’s attention to their mistakes indirectly.

Attracting one’s attention to his mistakes indirectly brings brilliant results when you try to help him change his behavior. Not only do you have more hope to persuade him to change his behavior, but – most importantly – you can help him change without being disturbed or disturbed. For example, suppose we change our vocabulary a small word of four letters. In that case, that can mean the difference between success and failure in changing people’s behavior. So that word is “though.” Example: “You did a fantastic job of what I gave you last week, but there are a few mistakes in the text.” Now, I tried the following way: “You did a fantastic job of what I gave you, and I look forward to presenting it to the Board once we read it and make the latest corrections.” When we use this approach, we do not focus the attention on communication on the mistakes of others but on their positive behavior. Let’s move on: Let’s try both of us – you and me – to eliminate the word “but” from the everyday vocabulary.


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