Advertise With Us contains hundreds of the most originally crafted wishes. New greetings, quotes and messages are being added every week and we do our best to keep this website up to date. Our main goal is to make all visitors satisfied. By doing continuous research we find new things that most people want and deliver amazing wishes and quotes to bring inspiration, happiness and love to your everyday life. Our content, combined with its ease of use and ease of access, makes the world of Quotes, Wishes and Messages simple and fun. is a free service, supported by ad revenue generated from ads that appear on our pages. is the perfect website for brands and advertisers to pitch their products and services to a US and global audience.

Websites Stats (Last updated 10 March 2021)

Approximate current daily volume of 30,000 unique visitors and more than 300.000 unique visitors per day in holidays like Christmas, Easter, Valentine’s day and Mother’s day.

More than 1 million monthly page views.

Top geographic traffic sources in terms of volume are:

  • United States
  • India
  • United Kingdom
  • Philippines
  • Canada

Our visitors are coming from a broad range of professional, cultural, social and economic backgrounds due to the diversity of the content we promote.

For more detailed information concerning Google Analytics, please contact us.

Advertising Options

We offer flexible display banner ad placements.

Our ad slots include the most popular sizes:

  • Medium Rectangle 300×250
  • Large Rectangle 336×280
  • Leaderboard 728×90

Full promotion on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest is included.

We partner with some of the world’s leading ad networks who have strict quality controls in place to deliver only brand-safe advertisements.

For pricing and any other queries regarding advertising on, please feel free to contact us.