Before You Quit, Try These Strategies!

“Before you Quit, Try” Is a quote by William Arthur Wand, one with an everlasting meaning, traversing throughout the ages. This quote gives me a reason to ask: How many times have you quit something before even trying? How often have you said: “Nah, this is not for me,” or ” I don’t think I can do this/have something to gain from this,” and given up on something you love just because you were scared or bored? Maybe it was that guitar lesson you had in middle school, that cool project you started with a friend in college or that relationship you walked out from after the first few big arguments. Countless things could have changed your life forever, and you shut the door in their face. Right now, you’ve probably realized what opportunity I’m talking about. Maybe you’re thinking you had the right reasons, or you really had nothing to gain from. Maybe your teacher told you that you really didn’t have the skills to become a professional guitar player, or you got bored of failing the entrance exam for that college you’ve been dying to go to, or maybe you weren’t seeing any success in the project you started out with that friend, so you chickened out. That’s right, knowing when to quit is manly, but you chickened out. You were scared of failure, scared of disappointment, scared of bad feedback, so you stopped before even trying. So, next time, before you hurry up and drop the “I quit” bomb, try asking yourself some questions beforehand.Before you Quit, Try - William Arthur Ward Quotes

Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Quit

  • Are you happy? Is whatever you want to quit making you happy, do you believe it is improving your life quality?
  • Are you being productive? When it is time for you to do it, are you doing it productively, trying to gain as much as possible out of it, or do you think of it as a chore, and do it half-heartedly.
  • Are you serious about it? Do you do it seriously? Or are you daydreaming, praying you could be somewhere else at that moment.
  • Are you proud of it? Does it inspire you to talk about it to everyone you know? Do you think you can never shut up when talking about it? Do you feel like everyone should know how amazing that thing you do is?
  • Sometimes, the problem isn’t with what we are willing to give up, but its origins from inside of us, from our deepest thoughts, attempting to hold us back.
Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

Winners never quit, and quitters never win.

Things to Consider Before Giving Up

  • Are you afraid of success? It’s not uncommon for people to be scared of success, because success comes with a significant burden, successful people are set as an example to others, and are expected to lead them. They have a great power to influence and impact others, which if misused can be devastating to society. Thus, many people don’t want this kind of power because they are afraid of using it, consequentially being fearful of success.
  • Are you doing this for yourself? Is this something you, and you alone want to do? Or is it being forced upon you by your parents/ peers? Because if it is, chances are, an internal conflict is starting to be created, regarding the reasons you started this, to begin with.
  • What’s the worst thing that could happen if you fail? One of the most common fears, going alongside the fear of success, is the fear of failure, people fear of getting disappointed, of trying and never reaching their goal. They fear the reaction of the people around them when they hear they have failed. Remember that test in middle school you got an F, and never told your parents about because you were scared they would punish you? Remember that time you got fired from your job and didn’t know how to tell your girlfriend/wife because you were scared she might leave you?
  • As Michael Jordan said: “I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.” Failure defines us as human beings; it’s what makes us keep going forward, towards the light. Don’t quit because you fear loss might be the final outcome, keep trying, and if you fail, get off the ground, and try again.
  • How much have you sacrificed for this? Remember all the Friday nights you didn’t go out with your friends? That fantastic movie you didn’t watch with your family, that birthday party you didn’t attend? All these Sunday afternoons you forgot to eat again because you were focused on whatever it was you doing? Remember that one girlfriend that broke up with you because you didn’t spend enough time with her so you can do “that”, all the friends that said you were crazy and wanted you to take a break from it, that professor in college that said you should quit because you had no future. Are all these sacrifices for nothing? Didn’t you calm yourself back then, saying it was all so you can accomplish your goal, or even better, your dream? What happens if you quit now? Your friends were right, your ex was right, your professor was right, everyone was right except you because you lost when you quit. You lost when you sacrifice everything for a dream you abandoned.
It always seems impossible until it's done.

It always seems impossible until it’s done.


Understanding the Obstacles

Quitting can be a tempting option when faced with various obstacles. It’s important to recognize these common challenges that often hinder progress. From fear of failure to overwhelming workloads, identifying these obstacles allows us to better understand why we may feel inclined to give up. By acknowledging and naming these barriers, we can begin to develop strategies to overcome them and move forward. Our mindset plays a crucial role in determining our ability to persevere. Negative thoughts and self-doubt can easily derail our progress and make quitting seem like the only option. By examining the impact of mindset on our decision-making process, we can start to challenge those self-limiting beliefs and cultivate a more resilient outlook. Discovering ways to foster a growth mindset and cultivate self-belief is key to overcoming obstacles and finding the strength to keep trying, even when faced with difficulties.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can't accept not trying.

I can accept failure, everyone fails at something. But I can’t accept not trying.

Building Resilience

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks and challenges, and it plays a crucial role in our ability to persevere. In this section, we will explore various strategies that can help build resilience. From developing a positive mindset and reframing failures as learning opportunities to setting realistic goals and embracing a growth mindset, we will provide actionable tips and insights to help readers strengthen their resilience muscle. Building resilience goes hand in hand with taking care of oneself. In this subsection, we will emphasize the significance of self-care practices in maintaining emotional well-being and fostering resilience. We will discuss the importance of self-reflection, relaxation techniques, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Additionally, we will emphasize the role of support systems, such as friends, family, mentors, and professional networks, in providing emotional support and encouragement during challenging times. By prioritizing self-care and leveraging support systems, individuals can enhance their resilience and better navigate difficult circumstances.


Inspiring Examples

Throughout history, numerous famous personalities have encountered setbacks and obstacles on their paths to success. In this section, we will delve into the stories of individuals who overcame adversity and achieved remarkable success. By highlighting these examples, we aim to inspire and motivate readers to persevere in the face of challenges. One such example is the renowned inventor, Thomas Edison. Despite facing countless failures and setbacks in his quest to create the electric light bulb, Edison never gave up. With each failed attempt, he viewed it as a step closer to finding the solution. His unwavering determination and resilience eventually led to his groundbreaking invention, transforming the world with electric lighting. Another remarkable figure is J.K. Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter series. Before achieving phenomenal success, Rowling faced multiple rejections from publishers. She battled financial struggles, personal setbacks, and self-doubt. However, she persisted, believing in her story and her characters. Her perseverance paid off, as she became one of the most successful authors of all time.

These inspiring individuals serve as reminders that setbacks are not the end, but rather opportunities for growth and transformation. They teach us that success often requires perseverance, determination, and the ability to learn from failure. By delving into the journeys of these famous personalities, we uncover valuable lessons. We learn that failure is not something to be feared but embraced as a stepping stone to success. We discover the importance of believing in oneself, maintaining a positive mindset, and never losing sight of one’s goals and dreams. These examples also highlight the power of resilience. They show us that setbacks are temporary and that with the right mindset and perseverance, we can overcome even the most challenging obstacles. Their stories serve as beacons of hope and inspiration, encouraging us to keep pushing forward and never give up on our own dreams and aspirations. In conclusion, the inspiring examples of famous personalities who faced setbacks and achieved great success serve as powerful reminders of the potential within each of us to overcome challenges and persevere. Their stories ignite a spark of motivation, empowering us to continue on our own journeys and reminding us that, before quitting, we should always give it one more try.


Taking Action – Practical Steps to Implement when Feeling like Quitting

When the urge to quit becomes overwhelming, it’s crucial to have practical strategies in place to help navigate through those tough moments. Here are some actionable steps to consider when facing the temptation to give up:

  • Reflect and reassess: Take a step back and evaluate the situation. What are the underlying reasons for wanting to quit? Is it a temporary setback or a long-standing challenge? Reflect on your goals and whether they align with your passions and values.
  • Seek support: Reach out to trusted friends, mentors, or support groups who can provide guidance, encouragement, and a fresh perspective. Surrounding yourself with a supportive network can make a significant difference in your ability to persevere.
  • Break it down: Instead of focusing on the big picture, break your goals down into smaller, manageable tasks. This approach allows you to celebrate incremental successes along the way, keeping motivation levels high.
  • Embrace failure as growth: Understand that setbacks and failures are part of the learning process. Use them as opportunities for growth and self-improvement. Learn from your mistakes, adjust your approach, and keep moving forward.

Taking action is the antidote to quitting. It’s the initial step that can set in motion a chain of progress and change. Even if the path ahead seems uncertain or challenging, remember that every journey starts with a single step. Here’s why taking that first step is crucial:

  • Momentum builds with action: The first step breaks the inertia and propels you forward. It generates momentum, making subsequent steps easier and more natural to take.
  • Overcoming fear and doubt: Action helps you confront and conquer fear and self-doubt. Once you begin moving towards your goals, you gain confidence and belief in your abilities.
  • Creating opportunities: Taking action opens doors to new opportunities and possibilities. By actively engaging in your pursuits, you increase the likelihood of encountering favorable circumstances and connections.
  • Regret prevention: Taking action ensures that you won’t look back with regret, wondering what could have been. It allows you to explore your potential fully and pursue your dreams without the weight of “what if.”

In conclusion, when faced with the temptation to quit, it’s essential to take action. Implementing practical steps and embracing the courage to take the first step can make all the difference. Remember, the journey towards your goals is a process, and progress is often made one step at a time. So, don’t let quitting be an option. Instead, choose to take action and embark on a path that leads you closer to the fulfillment of your dreams.

To summarize all I’ve said so far, quitting is not something you do that easily, and it isn’t something you should be doing that easily. You should never quit if you feel there is even the slightest glimmer of hope left. If there isn’t, then at least from that experience, you’ve learned how and when to quit, but if there is, you should grab it with both hands, and hold tight until you make your dream happen. So please, just play one more song, write one more paragraph, cook one last meal, sing one last song, craft something one last time, go to that one last training, run that last distance, and if you do. You still feel lost, then feel free to quit, but for you to be reading this, I have a feeling that inside of you, there is still that small thread of hope left, all you have to do is reach out and grab it.


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