Baby Names for Baby Gods & Goddesses Inspired by Greek Mythology

Greek Mythology refers to stories about heroes and gods. Greek mythology-inspired baby names are unique and adorable. We’ve created an amazing list of legendary heroes, gods and goddesses’ names taken from Greek mythology to inspire you. These names have virtues and traits that can resonate with every parent.Hello! My Name is Apollo.

Greek Mythology Names for Boys

  • Achilles – was the name of a warrior in Greek legend. The name is derived from ‘achos,’ which means ‘pain.’
  • Adonis – Adonis was a handsome young shepherd.
  • Adrastos – was the name of the king of Argos in Greek legend. The name Adrastos means “not inclined to run away.”
  • Aeolus – was the God of the wind.
  • Agamemnon – Agamemnon was the brother of Menelaus, who led the Greek expedition to Troy to recover Helen. His name means ‘very steadfast.’
  • Ajax – Ajax was a Greek hero and played an important role in Homer’s Iliad. The name is perfect if you are looking for a strong boy’s name.
  • Apollo – was the Greek God of music, poetry, and the sun.
  • Ares – was the son of Zeus and the God of war.
  • Argus – is derived from the Greek word Argos, which means ‘shining.’ Argus was the man who built the Argo and a man with a hundred eyes.
  • Aristaeus – Aristaeus was the son of Apollo and the mortal Cyrene. He was the God of agriculture and cattle.
  • Atlas – was a Titan who was punished by Zeus by being forced to support the sky on his shoulders.
  • Bacchus – was the other name of the Greek God Dionysus. He was fondly called Bacchus by the Romans.
  • Brontes – was the name of one of the three Cyclopes. The name Brontes means “thunderous” in Greek.

Hello! My Name is Poseidon.

  • Castor – was the twin brother of Pollux in Greek mythology. It is said that when he died, his twin brother Pollux appealed to Zeus to let them remain together. They were then transformed into the constellation.
  • Cephalus – In the Greek legend, Cephalus was a faithful husband. They remained loyal to his wife even after being pursued by the Goddess Eos. The name means ‘head.’
  • Cerberus – was the name of the three-headed dog that guarded the entrance to Hades in Greek mythology.
  • Charon – Charon was the ferry operator that brought the dead to Hades. The name means ‘fierce brightness.’
  • Chryses – Chryses was the father of Chryseis, a woman captured by Agamemnon during the Trojan War. It means ‘golden.’
  • Daedalus – Daedalus was an Athenian inventor banished to Crete by Zeus. He also designed the Labyrinth for King Minos.
  • Damocles – Damocles was a member of the court of Dionysius the Elder, the king of Syracuse. His name means ‘the people.
  • Damon – was a God from Greek mythology who symbolized trust and loyalty in friendship. He risked his life to stand for his friend.
  • Dardanos – Dardanos was the name of Zeus and Electra’s son. Dardanos founded the city of Dardania in Asia Minor.
  • Diomedes – From a combination of Greek words meaning “of Zeus” and “to think,” this name is a formidable one. As one of the greatest Greek heroes, Diomedes fought against the Trojans.
  • Dionysius – Dionysus was the God of wine, festivals, and parties. For the past ten years, this name did not appear on the most popular baby name list, so it will probably make a unique name for your child.
  • Eros – was the son of Aphrodite, who caused the people to fall in love. So his name means ‘love.’
  • Evander – Evander was an Arcadian hero of the Trojan War. He founded the city of Palladium. Evander means ‘good man.’
  • Glaucus – Glaucus was the name of the Greek sea god. The name means ‘bluish-gray.’
  • Hector – The Greek God, Hector was notable for being the greatest fighter for Troy in the Trojan War. He was the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba.
  • Helios – From the Greek word meaning “sun,” Helios was the young God who rode across the sky in a chariot.
  • Hercules – The son of Zeus, known as the strongest man on earth.
  • Hermes – was the God of trade and travel in Greek mythology. He was the son of Maia and Zeus.
  • Iacchus – Iacchus was the solemn name of the Greek God Dionysus. It means ‘to shout.’

Hello! My Name is Morpheus.

  • Jason – You may have heard of Jason and the Argonauts. The Argonauts were a mighty group of Greek warriors, and Jason was their leader. The name means “healer” or “he that cures.”
  • Leander – was the lover of Hera in Greek mythology. The name Leander means “lion of a man.”
  • Linus – was the son of the God Apollo, who was accidentally killed in a contest. Linus means ‘flax.’
  • Lykos – Meaning “wolf,” this name was given to several characters in Greek myths.
  • Melanthios – Melanthios is derived from the Greek word melas, which means black, and anthos, which means flower.
  • Mentor – Odysseus left Mentor to guard his palace and his son when he went off to fight in the Trojan War. Mentor means “mind,” “strength,” and “force.” Mentor was a wise and trusted guide.
  • Midas – In Greek mythology, Midas was a king who was granted a wish by the God Dionysus. The desire was that everything Midas touched would turn to gold. The expression about having the “Midas touch” stems from this Greek myth.
  • Morpheus – Morpheus was the God of dreams in Greek mythology. It means ‘shape’ in Greek.
  • Myles – Probably derived from the Greek word that means “mill,” Myles was the name of the king of Laconia. This name sounds classic and has roots in Greek mythology, and could be a great choice for your little boy.
  • Neilos – This is the Greek name of the Nile River. Neilos was the God of the Nile. The Nile River was a major source of life and commerce, so this would be a mighty name for your little boy.
  • Neoptolemus – Neoptolemus was the name of the son of Achilles. His name means ‘new war’ in Greek.
  • Nestor – In Greek mythology, this name is synonymous with wisdom and longevity. It comes from the Greek word meaning “homecoming.”
  • Okeanos – Okeanos was the Titan who personified the body of water in Greek mythology. The name means ‘a body of water.’
  • Pan – In Greek mythology, Pan was a half-man, half-goat God. He is associated with pastures, flocks, and shepherds. The name probably comes from a word meaning “protector.”
  • Paris – The name Paris is familiar as a girl’s name, but it was the name of a boy in Greek mythology. Paris was famous for marrying Helen of Troy, which led to the Trojan War.
  • Patroclus – From the Greek word meaning “glory of the father.” Patroclus was a hero who fought against the Trojans.
  • Perseus – was a demigod in Greek mythology who rescued Andromeda from a sea monster. He also defeated Medusa.
  • Poseidon – was the God of the sea and earthquakes. He was also the brother of Zeus.
  • Prometheus – This name means “foresight”. In Greek mythology, Prometheus was a Titan who gave the knowledge of fire to humankind.
  • Proteus – Proteus was the name of a prophetic God of the sea in Greek mythology. The name Proteus means ‘first.’
  • Simon – A popular name whose meaning is derived from a Greek word meaning “flat-nosed.” Simon was a demigod who was one of the first inhabitants of Rhodes.
  • Thanatos – Thanatos was the Greek God of death. He resided with Hades in the underworld.
  • Theseus – The name Theseus means ‘to set.’ Theseus was the king of Athens in Greek legend.
  • Triton – Triton is the son of Posideon and the messenger of the sea.
  • Xanthos – This bright name means “yellow.” It was the name of several characters in Greek mythology.
  • Zephyr – This Greek God was the ruler of the west wind, which brought early spring and summer breezes. This could be a great name for a little boy who will bring you warmth and smiles.
  • Zeus is one of the most popular Greek mythology baby boy names. He was the God of thunder and the sky and the king of the Greek gods.

Hello! My Name is Artemis.

Greek Mythology Names for Girls

  • Acantha – was a nymph loved by Apollo, the God of healing, medicine, archery, music, poetry, and the sun and leader of the Muses.
  • Adrasteia – was another name for the Greek Goddess Nemesis. It is the feminine form of Adrastos.
  • Aella – was a mighty Amazon warrior. She went down in a battle against Herakles as she fought to protect the waist belt of her queen, Hippolyta. The magical waist belt signified Hippolyta’s authority as queen of the Amazons.
  • Aglaia – was one of the Three Graces (charities). Means “splendor, beauty.”
  • Alcippe – means ‘mighty.’ Was the name of Ares’s daughter in Greek mythology. Her father killed the son of Poseidon when he attempted to rape her.
  • Alexandra – a Mycenaean epithet of the Queen goddess, Hera.
  • Amalthea – a nymph who nursed the infant Zeus. Means “to soothe.”
  • Andromeda – an Ethiopian princess who Perseus rescued from sacrifice. Both a galaxy and a constellation are named for Andromeda.
  • Anthea – was an epithet for Greek Goddess Hera. It is a beautiful name meaning ‘flower.’
  • Aphrodite – was the Greek Goddess of love. She was the wife of Hephaestus and the mother of Eros. The name Aphrodite is of Phoenician origin.
  • Arachne – A mortal woman who defeated the Goddess Athena in a weaving contest. Means “spider.”
  • Arete – Means “virtue.” Was the personification of virtue and excellence. Arethusa – was a nymph who was transformed into a fountain. Means “quick water.”
  • Ariadne, the daughter of King Minos, helped Theseus escape the Minotaur and get out of the labyrinth alive.
  • Artemis – Twin of Apollo. Was the goddess of the moon and of hunting. Astraea – was the Greek Goddess of justice. This pretty name will suit your baby well.
  • Atalanta – a woman who would only marry the man who could run faster than her.
  • Athena – goddess of wisdom and warfare and the patron goddess of the city of Athens in Greece.
  • Atlanta – was a fast-footed maiden who refused to marry men who lost to her in the race. She was eventually defeated by Hippomanias, who won the race by tricking her.
  • Briseis – was the daughter of Briseus in Greek mythology. She was captured by Achilles during the Trojan War.
  • Calliope – was the Greek Muse of epic poetry. She is believed to be Homer’s Muse. She served as an inspiration for the Iliad and the Odyssey.
  • Calypso – A beautiful nymph from the Odyssey who fell in love with Odysseus when he washed up on her island.
  • Cassandra – was a Trojan princess with the gift of prophecy but cursed so that no one believed her. Apollo gave her the gift of prophecy but cursed her when she turned down his advances.
  • Chloe – An epithet of the Goddess Demeter, Goddess of the harvest and earth’s fertility.
  • Chryseis – daughter of Chryses, a priest of Apollo.

Hello! My Name is Athena.

  • Circe – a sorceress who changes Odysseus’s crew into hogs in the Odyssey.
  • Clio – was the daughter of Zeus and Mnemosyne. She was the Greek Muse of history.
  • Clytemnestra – the wife of Agamemnon. While Agamemnon was away fighting the Trojan war, she took a lover but had him killed when her husband returned.
  • Cora – from the name Kore in Greek, this name means “maiden.” Cora was another name for the Goddess Persephone. For a name that sounds traditional and so sweet, this one might be just right for your little girl.
  • Cythia – An epithet of Artemis, the moon goddess. Means “woman from Kynthos.”
  • Danae – was the princess of Argos and another wonderful Greek mythology girl names. She was the mother of Perseus, who came to her in the form of a shower of gold.
  • Daphne – a nymph turned into a laurel tree by her father to help her avoid being pursued by Apollo.
  • Delia – an epithet of the Goddess Artemis, Goddess of hunting, wild nature, and purity.
  • Demeter – goddess of agriculture, sister of Zeus, king of the gods, daughter of Cronus, king of the Titans, and mother of Persephone.
  • Despoina – daughter of Demeter and Poseidon. Means “lady.”
  • Dike – Dike was the Goddess of Justice in Greek mythology. She was one of the Horai. The name Dike means ‘justice.’
  • Dione – mother of Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty.
  • Doris – a sea nymph, child of Oceanus and Tethys.
  • Echo – a nymph cursed by Hera to only be able to repeat what others said.
  • Electra – is the daughter of Atlas, a titan condemned to hold up the heavens, and Pleione, an ocean nymph.
  • Elpis – when Pandora opened the box of evils, Elpis was the only good spirit she found, the personification of hope.
  • Eos – Goddess of the dawn.
  • Erato – one of the nine Muses. Means “lovely.”
  • Erato – Muse of romantic poetry.
  • Eris – Goddess of discord.
  • Euanthe – mother of the three Graces.
  • Eudora – one of the Hyades nymphs, Means “good,” “gift.”
  • Eunomia – a goddess of the law.
  • Euphrosyne – One of the three Graces. Means “merriment.”
  • Europa – The first queen of Crete, a Phoenician princess taken to Crete by Zeus in the shape of a bull. Gave birth to Mino, who was fathered by Zeus.
  • Europa – Europa was a Phoenician princess abducted and taken to Crete by Zeus. The continent of Europe is named after her.
  • Eurydice – wife of Orpheus. Her husband tried to rescue her from the Underworld but looked back on their way out and thereby lost her.
  • Euterpe – Muse of music and known as The Pleasant One.
  • Evadne – the wife of Capaneus, who was killed by a lightning bolt sent by Zeus.
  • Gaia – Gaia was the Goddess of Earth and the primordial deities. She was considered the creator of the earth and the universe.
  • Harmonia – Daughter of Ares, God of war, and Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty.
  • Harmonia – Harmonia was the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares. She was given by Zeus to Cadmus to be his wife. The name Harmonia means ‘harmony.’
  • Hebe – was the daughter of Zeus and Hera. She was the Goddess of youth in Greek mythology.
  • Hecate – Goddess associated with witchcraft, crossroads, tombs, demons, and the Underworld.
  • Helen – The Trojan War started after Paris kidnapped Helen, the daughter of Zeus and Leda.
  • Hera – queen of the gods, Goddess of marriage and childbirth.
  • Hermione – According to Greek legend, Hermione was the daughter of Helen and Menelaus. Her name is derived from Hermes, the messenger god.
  • Hestia – was the Goddess of the hearth and domestic activity in Greek mythology.
  • Hippolyta – was the daughter of Ares in the Greek legend. She was also the queen of the Amazon.
  • Ianthe – an ocean nymph. Means “flower.”
  • Ianthe – Ianthe was the name of an ocean nymph in Greek mythology. The name means “violet flower.”
  • Idalia – an epithet of the Goddess Aphrodite, Goddess of love and beauty.
  • Ilithya – Goddess of childbirth and midwifery.

Hello! My Name is Electra.

  • Io – a princess who Zeus loved and changed into a cow so that his jealous wife, Hera, could not find her.
  • Ione – a sea nymph. Means “violet flower.”
  • Iphigeneia – daughter of King Agamemnon.
  • Irene – the personification of peace.
  • Iris – Goddess of the rainbow.
  • Iris – was the Goddess of the sea and sky in Greek mythology. She was also the messenger of the Gods.
  • Ismene – daughter of legendary Oedipus and Jocasta. Means “knowledge.”
  • Jocasta – the mother of Oedipus who mistakenly married him later without realizing he was her son.
  • Kalliope – one of the nine Muses, the Goddess of epic poetry and eloquence.
  • Kallisto – a nymph. Zeus was in love with Kallisto, so his jealous wife Hera turned her into a bear. Kallisto became the Great Bear constellation.
  • Kleio – One of the nine Muses, Goddess of history and heroic poetry. Means “glory.”
  • Klotho – One of the three Fates, Klotho spins the thread of life.
  • Klythië – an ocean nymph who loved the sun god Helios and became the heliotrope flower, which turns to follow the sun.
  • Kore – an epithet of the Goddess Persephone.
  • Lachesis – was one of the three Fates in Greek mythology. She was the one who decided how long a person had to live.
  • Larisa – A beautiful nymph who had three children with Poseidon.
  • Maia – One of the seven stars in the constellation Taurus.
  • Medea – a sorceress from Colchis who helped Jason obtain the Golden Fleece.
  • Melaina – a nymph. Means “black, dark.”
  • Melete – the Muse of meditation.
  • Melia – a nymph. Means “honey.”
  • Melissa – an epithet of various nymphs.
  • Melpomene – Muse of singing and musical harmony, but also tragedy.
  • Metis – The consort of Zeus. In prophecy, Metis’s children would be wiser than Zeus, so he swallowed her after she became pregnant. In the end, however, their daughter Athena burst out of Zeus’s head, fully grown.
  • Mneme – the Muse of memory.
  • Nike – Goddess of victory.
  • Nyx – was one of the Greek Goddess of the night. She was the daughter of Khaos.
  • Ourania – one of the nine Muses. Goddess of astronomy and astrology. Means “heavenly.”
  • Pallas – Linked to Athena, which means wisdom.
  • Pandora – the first mortal woman. She opened the forbidden box that Zeus gave her, letting all evil into the world but also hope.
  • Parthenope – one of the sirens who enticed Odysseus. Means “voice.”
  • Penelope – was the faithful wife of Odysseus. She stayed true and loyal to him even while he was away. Her name symbolizes marriage faithfulness.
  • Persephone, the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, was abducted by Hades and eventually allowed to return for half of the year. When she is in the Underworld, it is wintertime on earth.
  • Phaedra – Phaedra was the wife of Theseus and the daughter of Minos in Greek mythology. Her name means ‘bright.’
  • Phaenna – one of the Three Graces. Means “shining.”
  • Phoebe – a Titan, associated with the moon.
  • Pistis – Pistis was the personification of trust in Greek mythology. Pistis means ‘trust and faith.’
  • Polymnia – one of the nine Muses. Goddess of dance and sacred songs. Means “song.”
  • Psyche – a maiden loved by Eros. When she married him, he appeared as a snake by day and a man at night, but she could not see him as a man because of the dark.
  • Rhea – a Titan, wife of Cronus, and mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia.
  • Selena – a Titan, associated with the moon.
  • Selene – Selene was the Greek Goddess of the moon. It was one of the top female Greek mythology names in the United States for several years.
  • Semele – Semele was one of the many lovers of Zeus. The name sounds traditional yet exotic Greek name for a baby girl.
  • Terpsichore – was one of the nine Muses. She was the Goddess of dance and dramatics.
  • Tethys – Tethys was the name of Titan of the sea. She was also the wife of Oceanus.
  • Thalia – Muse of comedic theater and poetry.
  • Theia – a Titan associated with light and glory.
  • The name means “divine law” or “law of nature.” Themis was a Titan who ruled over custom and natural law. She was often depicted holding scales and wearing a blindfold.
  • Tisiphone – Tisiphone was the name of one of the Furies. The name Tisiphone means ‘avenge.’
  • Urania – Muse of astronomy.


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